General Description
- The BBBIDA MPAN is a relatively young inter-local government unit alliance established through a Memorandum of Agreement signed in 2018 between the six municipalities (Bani, Bolinao, Burgos, Infanta, Dasol, and Agno) in the province of Pangasinan. The MPAN protects a total of 17 locally established/locally managed marine protected areas, 11 of which have an estimated total area of 572.85 hectares established within the 6 municipal water boundaries covering a total area of 185,264 hectares. Within the MPAN is the Bolinao Peninsula, identified as one of the Philippine key biodiversity areas in 2008, with a total area of 24,995.01 hectares.
- Individual MPAs in the network harbour diverse marine life representing the different reef substrates with hard coral life forms such as massive, sub-massive, encrusting, branching, solitary, corymbose, foliose, and table corals. Soft corals are also observed to thrive in the MPAs.
- Various fish and invertebrate species observed are surgeonfish (Acanthuridae), damsel fish (Pomacentridae), fire dartfish (Gobidae), triggerfish (Balistidae), butterflyfish (Chaetodontidae), goatfish (Mullidae), hawk fish (Cirrhitidae), fusilier (Caesionidae), clownfish (Pomacentridae), grouper (Serranidae), moorish idol (Zanclidae), parrotfish (Scaridae), lionfish (Scorpaenidae), lizard fish (Synodontidae), angelfish (Pomacanthidae), bannerfish (Chaetodontidae), snapper (Lutjanidae), trumphetfish (Aulostomidae), pipefish (Syngnathidae), grouper (Serranidae), wrasse (Labidae), grubfish (Pinguipedidae), filefish (Monacanthidae), stonefish, the fluted giant glam (Tridacna squamosa), sea stars, sea urchin (Echinothrix calamaris), double spined sea urchin (Echinothrix calamaris), feather stars, chocolate chip sea star, cushion star, blue sea star (Linckia laevigata), egg cowrie (Ovula ovum), sea cucumber, spaghetti worm, Christmas tree worm, octopus, giant clam (Tridacna squamosal), egg cowrie (Ovula ovum), cone snails, tiger cowrie, glass shrimps, ox heart ascidia, lobsters, hermit crabs, sea anemone, venomous snake and various tunicates, among others.