The project Effectively Managing Networks of Marine Protected Areas in Large Marine Ecosystems in the ASEAN Region (ASEAN ENMAPS) is a five-year project that aims to improve the management and governance of marine protected areas (MPAs) and its associated marine corridors in four large marine ecosystems (LMEs) in the ASEAN region (i.e. Bay of Bengal, Indonesian Seas, South China Sea, and Sulu-Celebes Sea). The Project uses science-based approaches through integrated coastal management (ICM), marine spatial planning (MSP), and ecosystems approach to fisheries management (EAFM) to expand marine corridor protection. It builds on national initiatives with strong upscaling focus as it engages with ASEAN working groups and LME cooperative governance, while leveraging complementary investments across the region. Through these approaches, the project intends to enable the target LMEs to have the capacity to support sustainable fisheries for the region.
The project began in March 2024 and will run up to March 2029 in 11 pilot sites within the three participating ASEAN Member States of Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand.

The ASEAN region is home to a third of the world’s coastal and marine habitats, providing fisheries with breeding, nursing, and feeding grounds.

Despite their importance, these rich ecosystems face threats due to unsustainable resource use, habitat change, pollution, policy gaps, and the pressures of population growth and over exploitation, which heighten resource demands.

ASEAN ENMAPS is designed to address the threats facing the coastal and marine environment in the ASEAN region by facilitating transformative changes in the management of MPAs and other coastal and marine resources in the ASEAN Large Marine Ecosystems.
Project Objective
ASEAN ENMAPS aims to develop and improve the management of marine protected area (MPA) networks and marine corridors within selected large marine ecosystems (LMEs) in the ASEAN region for the conservation of globally significant biodiversity and support for sustainable fisheries and other ecosystem goods and services.

Project Results-Based Framework
Efforts to promote conservation through integrated coastal management, and marine spatial planning are progressing in the ASEAN region in terms of policy, planning, and implementation.
However, effective multi-stakeholder collaboration remains a challenge, which hinders the realisation of these conservation investments.
Barriers and causal pathways

Theory of Change

Project Information
ASEAN ENMAPS is designed to address the threats facing the coastal and marine environment in the ASEAN region by facilitating transformative changes in the management of MPAs and other coastal and marine resources in ASEAN LMEs. The project strategy has a strong upscaling focus as it engages with ASEAN working groups and LME cooperative governance, while leveraging complementary investments across the region.
Participating Countries |
Republic of Indonesia Republic of the Philippines Kingdom of Thailand |
Funding Agency | Global Environment Facility |
Implementing Agency | United Nation Development Programme Bangkok Regional Hub |
Executing Agency | ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity |
National Executing Partners |
Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Indonesia) Department of Environment and Natural Resources (Philippines) Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (Thailand) |
Project Duration | March 2024 to March 2029 |
Total Budget |
GEF Investment: USD 12,548,861 Co-financing: USD 57,907,646 |